A selection of compost, organics recycling, and mulch education articles

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Frequently Asked Questions
Is organics recycling available in my area?
Just as collecting recyclable items such as paper, plastic and aluminum varies based on your garbage hauler and location, collection of organics may vary as well. For example, paper, glass and aluminum can all be collected together in some locations and in others they may need to be separated. This is similar for your organic waste. In some areas yard waste such as leaves and grass can be collected with your food waste and in others food waste will need to be separated from yard waste. Contact your local garbage haulers to find out more information on this service. If organics recycling is not available in your area, residents may also transport their own organics to the Empire Township facility. Commercial customers should contact us online for pricing.
How is SET composting different than a backyard compost pile?
Backyard composting is limited to include yard waste, and select food waste such as vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, flower trimmings, etc. You should not include meat, bones, pet waste, or dairy in your back yard compost pile. Commercial scale composting can process everything a backyard compost pile can take plus, meat, dairy, bones and non-recyclable paper. It may also be more convenient for those who may have not have the space or time to compost.
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