Minnesota’s trusted experts in composting and organics recovery
SET has the expertise and the resources to sustainably transform food scraps, compostable materials, and yard waste into high-quality products that help improve soil and environmental health in our communities. We’re passionate about Minnesota compost and organics recovery.
0 +
years in
0 %
of materials
0 M
pounds of compost
processed in MN

Organics Recovery
Mulch Products
Compost Products
Yard Waste Drop Off

Let's get started
Minnesota’s top provider of landscaping products, compost, and organics recovery services.
You're invited to learn more from the SET Team about Minnesota compost and organics recovery at upcoming local events. Please contact us with additional events or information.
SET for Success!
Same team, SET to grow. As the need for Organics resource management grows, so do we! SET has been acquired by WM as of March 1st, 2023.
Nothing will change, still the same great team managing the Twin Cities and offering the services we have always provided.
Its time to SET the bar even higher!

Visit our Education Library
Learn about compost, mulch, organics, and more! Our experts regularly offer insights, answer questions, and share information.
We look forward to working with you to help shape a more sustainable future.
Call us: (952) 946-6999
We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.
Find us on Facebook: SET, Inc. and The Mulch Store