Specialized Environmental Technologies was established in 2000. Since then, SET has become a leader in the development of sustainable organic waste solutions in the Twin Cities metro area. SET owns or operates four yard waste processing and retail outlets in the region. We are proud to be a Minnesota business serving customers, clients, and communities.
In addition, it has established the largest sustainable organics composting operation in the Midwest at their Empire location. This organics operation is supported by an infrastructure of transfer stations, and receives and processes over 25,000 tons of Source Separated Organic Material annually.
Currently, SET employs 35 people with has six operations and affiliates locally. As one of the largest processors of residential yard waste and organics in the Midwest, SET accepts and processes over 80,000 tons yard waste, brush and biomass each year. These organic materials are composted and turned into soil amendments and blends used for the horticultural, organic farming, infrastructure and other industries around the State.
SET’s commitment to developing organics programs and forwarding Minnesota’s environmental goals has been evident for decades and relies on dedicated staff for outreach, education, policy, and research. The current team consists of people from all aspects of the solid waste, hauling, energy and recycling industries with backgrounds in environmental science and horticulture.
SET is an active member of the US Composting Council and the Minnesota Composting Council. SET is dedicated to Public/Private partnership to develop and implement successful resource recovery programs for customers at the State, County and City levels. By working with numerous public entities around the State and facilitating arrangements within the private sector, SET and its employees have the background and knowledge to continue our efforts to make sustainable organics recovery, processing and outlets for finished compost materials a viable long term solution for the solid waste industry and the State of MN.
Serving our Minnesota Community
SET is a Minnesota business serving communities, clients, and customers. We are committed to improving the areas where we live and work. Over the years we have been proud to offer support in numerous ways.
- Providing free residential organics drop-off services at the Empire Township Location for Dakota County residents
- Offering free/discounted compost to community gardens, garden clubs and schools
- Avid supporter, donor, board member and integral founding member of the MN Composting Council
- Support and sponsorship of ICAW (International Compost Awareness Week), with discounted and donated compost for events
- Local research partner to many Minnesota businesses for compost-related issues and advancements
- Hosted tours and educational events for schools, master gardeners, government officials and homeowners

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